Daring to Dream, Design and Dance

Publication Design

Publication Design | Design Assistant | Duration: May. 2018 to Jan. 2019 | Human-Computer Interaction, Universität Bremen, Germany

TZI Brochure, Der Mensch im Mittlepunkt

A brochure encompassing the latest research projects done in Media Informatics at University of Bremen for the Technology Center for Computer Science and Information Technology. The brochure went through multiple iterations starting from the cover design, brochure layouts and document for printing.

Cover options for “Der Mensch im Mittlepunkt” TZI Brochure

Cover options for “Der Mensch im Mittlepunkt” TZI Brochure

Layout Options for “Der Mensch im Mittlepunkt” TZI Brochure

Layout Options for “Der Mensch im Mittlepunkt” TZI Brochure


Design for Change | Freelancer | Duration: Jan. 2019 to Aug. 2019 | Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy, Delhi, India

Queering the Law

Branding and Logo for Queering the Law

Branding and Logo for Queering the Law

Making Indian laws LGBT+ inclusive

‘Queering the Law: Making Indian Laws LGBT+ Inclusive’ is a set of five Chapters that analyses India’s legal regime across the broad themes of ‘Identity’, ‘Violence’, ‘Family’ and Employment’ post the Supreme Court of India’s landmark decisions on transgender rights in NALSA and the decriminalization of same-sex relationships in Navtej Johar, to identify laws that either continue to operate in the male-female binary or discriminate against LGBT+ persons. It contextualizes the need for legal inclusion and engages with some of the existing debates on the legal inclusion of LGBT+ persons. The Chapters are however not directly aimed at legislative reform but seek to act as a resource to facilitate conversations on legal inclusion. The chapters can be read here

Covers of the four chapters of Queering the Law + Introduction

Covers of the four chapters of Queering the Law + Introduction

Publication Design | Freelancer | Duration: Oct. 2015 to Feb. 2016 | SJMSOM, IIT Bombay,Mumbai, India

Sailesh J. Mehta School of Management Academic Brochure

SJMSOM Academic Brochure

SJMSOM Academic Brochure

IIT Bombay established its School of Management in 1995 with an objective of transforming professionals into future Leaders. In the year 2000, the School was named as the Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management (sjmsom). Today, the school leads the way in preparing graduates to respond to the new challenges of businesses, by drawing on varied intellectual resources of iitb and providing outstanding and innovative programs in management education. I designed the academic brochure for this institution.

SJMSOM Academic Brochure Cover Options

SJMSOM Academic Brochure Cover Options

Brochure Spread

Brochure Spread

Brochure Spread

Brochure Spread

Digital Design | Freelancer | Duration: Jan. 2016 to Apr. 2016 | APCOM, Bangkok, Thailand

APCOM PreParing Asia Report


The Prep Asia Report discusses challenges, strategies and statistics in connection with PreP, a medicine that has brought relief in the form of an HIV prevention drugs for at risk groups. The report is a digital publication, consisting of illustrations, photos and layouts. The report is rich with infographics, statistics and illustrations that inform and instruct.
