Daring to Dream, Design and Dance

Picture Books

Collaborative Design | Tata Fellowship | Duration: 6 months |  Locations: Mumbai, Khun in India


Kullu's Curious Kollu is a story set in the kullu valley. Kollu, a sloth bear is unable to understand how he finds food, on his journey he meets villagers from Kullu villages, priests and creatures like octopi among others. It was conceptualized after an initial field trip to GSSS Khun, and Government Primary School, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, in November 2014. Illustrated using drawings and sketches the students made then, and photographs that were taken during the trip, the book draws from the familiar and personal experiences of students to facilitate English language learning in remote rural areas. Made under the guidance of Prof A. Hingoran. Ruchi Shah and I created the layout and design of the book under the guidance of Prof A. Hingorani. The initial draft was written by me and several other edits and versions were created by Aarti Latkar and Prof. Hingorani. The illustrations were created in collage medium from the artworks of 35 students from GSS, Khun and government school of Kullu.

Illustrations from Children at G.S.S Khun

Illustrations from Children at G.S.S Khun

Children illustrating their microcosm

Children illustrating their microcosm


Science for Children | Design Assistant at Human-Computer Interaction Group, Universität Bremen | Duration: Jan. 2019 to July 2019 |  Bremen, Germany

Der Pixel Ort

A children’s storytelling book that attempts to explain how a picture forms on a computer screen. Starting from the basics of how pixels work. The three pixels Red, Green and Blue (RGB) represented by Ruby, Gruby and Bruby go on a journey of self discovery. They find out why their city “Pixel 200, 100” looks like a different color up above from the Screentain. As Ruby, Gruby and Bruby understand their function and place in the big screen, so do the children.

Ruby, Gruby and Bruby sit in front of the TV all day long waiting to see the number 1. When they do get the number 1 they turn on the light at the top of their house.

Ruby, Gruby and Bruby sit in front of the TV all day long waiting to see the number 1. When they do get the number 1 they turn on the light at the top of their house.

They are fascinated by the machine that sends messages to all the 24 TVs in their city “Pixel 200, 100”. They also notice that when all the houses except for the blue ones get 1 on their TV, the city looks yellow!

They are fascinated by the machine that sends messages to all the 24 TVs in their city “Pixel 200, 100”. They also notice that when all the houses except for the blue ones get 1 on their TV, the city looks yellow!

Gadchiroli Diaries


Gadchiroli Diaries is a travel journal made during my visit to the remote district of Gadchiroli in Maharashtra. This district is also the spot where world renowned public health specialist Dr. Abhay Bang puts to test public health strategies that have been a game changer in the field of design for change. In addition to workshops at Shodhgram, Nirman and Search, I stayed at the home of a tabacoo seller in his village. Here, despite the language barrier I interviewed people from different walks of life. This and many other experiences are journaled in Gadchiroli Diaries.

Doctors Mr and Mrs. Bhang discuss the functioning of Shodhgram, the challenges they faced as well as local myths and medicine, and it’s interaction with western medicine.

Doctors Mr and Mrs. Bhang discuss the functioning of Shodhgram, the challenges they faced as well as local myths and medicine, and it’s interaction with western medicine.

I interview people from all walks of life, college students, potters and fishermen over tea and sketching. Despite language barriers a lot is understood through expression and gestures.

I interview people from all walks of life, college students, potters and fishermen over tea and sketching. Despite language barriers a lot is understood through expression and gestures.

Students discuss their experience living with villagers from different villages at Shodhgram

Students discuss their experience living with villagers from different villages at Shodhgram